Registration fee(include abstract prints)
Before Nov. 14, 2005 (Remittance must be mede by a postal giro "Yuubin Furikae" service.)
CrSJ member ¥3000
CrSJ student Menber ¥2,000
Non-member ¥4,000
After Nov. 14, 2005 and On-site registration
CrSJ member ¥3000
CrSJ student Menber ¥2,000
Non-member ¥4,000
Bauquet fee
Before Nov. 14, 2005
Perticepant ¥5,000 Student ¥3,000
After Nov. 14, 2005 and On-site registration
Perticepant ¥6,000 Student ¥3,500
Remittaice is recommended to be mede by a postal giro service (with no transfer comission) befor Nov. 14, 2005. The remittance form will be sent with 3rd issue of CrSJ journal. One remittance form is required for each participant. On site registration by cash is also available.