15 min. Presentation including 3 min. open for discassion and comments.Projector for computer and OHP are available at each hall. Presenting author is requied to bring your laptop or USB or CD to hall staff 30 min. before schedule. We will serve a Windows PC for presenting PowerPoint files in each hall.
Available area for each presentation is 90cm(W) X 210cm(H). All presentation material will be put on two days (from Dec. 6 9:30 to Dec. 7. 16:00). Core time is assigned one on two day presentation schedules as follows: for odd numbers: 12:30〜13:15; for even numbers:13:15〜14:00. All presenting material will be removed from borads by Dec. 7. 16:30.
All presentation for entry to CrSJ 2005 Poster Prize are assigned to Dec. 6 session. Each entry poster should be marked "☆"(star) at left side of the title line.
The awarded author will be announced at the CrSJ general assemble. The poster prize seremony will be held at the banquet. The awarded author will be kindly invited the banquet. Please don't forget to reveice an award notice at the registration desk by 17:00.
X: O=oral; P=poster; S=symposium
Y: Category A:Physics and Mineralogy; B: Chemistry; C: Biology;
M: Day I:1st (Dec. 6) day; II: 2nd (Dec. 7 ) day;
nn: sequential number at each session.
Oral presentaion : 15 min (12min. for presentaion + 3min. for discussion and comments)
Poster presentation
M = I Dec. 6 9:30 - 16:00(core time nn=odd 12:30-13:15; nn=even 13:15-14:00
M = II Dec. 7 9:30 - s16:00(core time nn=odd 12:30-13:15; nn=even 13:15-14:00
09:10 - Registration
09:30 - 11:30 Oral Session I (Hall A,B and C)
12:30 - 14:00 Poster Session I (Exhibition Room B1F)
14:00 - 14:40 CrSJ General Assembly (Hall C)
14:40 - 15:20 CrSJ Special Award Lecture (Hall C)
15:40 - 16:20 Nishikawa Memorial Award Lecture (Hall C)
16:20 - 16:50 CrSJ Scientific Award Lecture 1 (Hall C)
16:50 - 17:20 CrSJ Scientific Award Lecture 2 (Hall C)
18:00 - 20:00 Banquet (Hotel NIKKO-HIMEJI)
Dec. 6 | Hall A | Hall B | Hall C | Poster |
09:30-11:30 * | OA- I - (01〜08) | OB- I - (01〜08) | OC- I - (01〜08) | |
12:30-14:00 | Poster Session I | |||
14:00-14:40 | CrSJ General Assembly | |||
14:40-15:20 | CrSJ Special Award Lecture | |||
15:20-16:20 | Nishikawa Memorial Award Lecture | |||
16:20-17:20 | CrSJ Scientific Award Lectures |
09:30 - 11:30 Symposium (Hall A, B and C)
12:30 - 14:00 Poster Session II (Exhibition Room at B1F)
14:00 - 17:00 Oral Session II (Hall A, B and C)
Dec. 7 | Hall A | Hall B | Hall C | Poster |
09:30-11:30 | Symposium "X-Ray Free Electron Laser for Crystallography" | Symposium "Advanced Studies on Molecular Magnetism and Crystallography" | Symposium "Challenge to Difficulties in Protein Crystallography" | |
12:30-14:00 | Poster Session II | |||
14:00-17:00 | OA- II- (01〜12) | OB- II- (01〜12) | OC- II- (01〜12) |
Chair: K. Tanaka (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) | |
Special Award | Philip Coppens (State Universty of New York, USA) 「励起結晶学及び日本結晶学会に対する貢献」 |
Chair: T. Ishikawa (RIKEN) | |
Nishikawa memorial award | Seishi Kikuta (Prof. emeritus of Univ. of Tokyo) Promotion of New diffraction physics and synchrotran radiation science |
Chair: M. Sakata (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) | |
Scientefic Award | Yoshihiro Kuroiwa (Hiroshima Univ.) Charge Density Study on the Origin of Phase Transitions in Perovskite-Type Dielectric Materials |
Chair: Keiichi Fukuyama (Osaka Univ.) | |
Scientefic Award | Masaki Yamamoto (RIKEN) Developmentof trichromatic protein crystallography and high-throughput beamlines at SPring-8 |
Chair: Masayoshi Nakasako (Keio Univ.) | |
SA-II-01 | Summary of SCSS(SPring-8 Compact SASE Source) Project, Tetsuya Ishikawa (RIKEN) |
SA-II-02 | Optical Features of SCSS Tsumoru Shintake (RIKEN) |
Chair: Tetsuya Ishikawa (Riken) | |
SA-II-03 | Development of Structure Science by XFEL Masayoshi Nakasako (Keio Univ.) |
SA-II-04 | Development of Neutron Science at J-PARC Susumu IKEADA (KEK・KENS) |
Chair: Masaki Takata (JASRI) | |
SB-II-01 | High resolution photo diffraction studies on molecular magnetic compounds exhibiting LIESST effect: Electron density distribution of the metastable states. Claude Lecomte (Henri Poincare Nancy University) |
SB-II-02 | Chirarity of Crystal and Magnetism -Experiment- Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima Univ.) |
Chair: Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima Univ.) | |
SB-II-03 | Chirarity of Crystal and Magnetism -Theory- Jun-ichiro Kishine (Kyushu Univ.) |
SB-II-04 | Single-Chain Magnets: Their Characteristic Magnetism Closely Correlated with Crystal Structures Hitoshi Miyasaka (Tokyou Metropolian Univ.) |
Chair: Naoki Shibata (Univ. of Hyogo) | |
SC-II-01 | Crystal Structure analysis of spherical viruses by ab initio phase determination method Jun-ichiro Kou (RIKEN) |
SC-II-02 | New challenge to neutron crystallography for development of drag research Taro Tamada (JAERI) |
Chair: Yoshiki Higuchi (Univ. of Hyogo) | |
SC-II-03 | Challenge to atomic-resolution structural analysis of low-resolution crystals of biomolecular complexes. Osamu Nureki (Tokyo Int. of Tech.) |
SC-II-04 | Structural rearrangement induced by a protein modification Masahiro Shirakawa (Kyoto Univ.) |
Start Time | 9:30 | 9:45 | 10:30 | 10:15 | 10:30 | 10:45 | 11:00 | 11:15 |
Hall A | OA-I-01 | OA-I-02 | OA-I-03 | OA-I-04 | OA-I-05 | OA-I-06 | OA-I-07 | OA-I-08* |
Hall B | OB-I-01 | OB-I-02 | OB-I-03 | OB-I-04 | OB-I-05 | OB-I-06 | OB-I-07 | OB-I-08 |
Hall C | OC-I-01 | OC-I-02 | OC-I-03 | OC-I-04 | OC-I-05 | OC-I-06 | OC-I-07 | OC-I-08* |
Chair: Kenji Hagiya(Univ. of Hyogo | |
OA-I-01 | Structure of γ-P4 ○Hiroki Okudera, Robert Dinnebier and Arndt Simon (Grad. School of Earth and Environmental Science, Kanazawa University, Max-Planck-Inst. for Solid State Research) |
OA-I-02 | Peculiar site-occupancy of cations in the B-Mg-Al spinel, shinhalite pseudoshinhalite ○Akira Yoshiasa, Takafumi Hashimoto, Akihiko Nakatsuka, Tomokazu Ito and Kazumasa Sugiyama(Faculty of Science, Kumamoto Univ., Yamaguchi Univ., Osaka Univ., The Univ. of Tokyo) |
OA-I-03 | Shock compression of CaSiO3 and CaMgSi2O6glasses ○Masayuki Okuno, Keiji Shimoda, Hisami Miyamoto, Kiyoto Fukuoka, Toshiyuki Atou and Masae Kikuchi(Grad. School of Natural Science and Tech., Kanazawa Univ.) |
OA-I-04 | Structure analysis of liquid LiNbO3 ○Kazumasa Sugiyama and Masatoshi Saito(Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, The Univ. of Tokyo.) |
Chair: Akira Yoshiasa(Kumamoto Univ.) | |
OA-I-05 | High-pressure structure transition and pressure-dependence of electron density distribution of ferroelectric KNbO3 perovskite by high-pressure single-crystal MEM analysis ○Takamitsu Yamanaka, Kenji Ohi, Okada Taku and Yuki Nakamoto(Grad. School of Science, Osaka Univ.) |
OA-I-06 | Crystal Structure and Rattling of β-type Pyrochlore Oxide Superconductors ○Jun-Ichi Yamaura, Shigeki Yonezawa, Yuji Muraoka and Zenji Hiroi(ISSP, The Univ. of Tokyo) |
OA-I-07 | X-ray reciprocal-lattice-space imaging for an obvious-at-a-glance analysis: observation of atomic-scale Bi wires ○Osami Sakata, Wataru Yashiro, D. R. Bowler, Akiko Kitano, Kunihiro Sakamoto and Kazushi Miki(JASRI/SPring-8, Nanomaterials Laboratory, National Inst. for Materials Science, Nanoelectronics Research Inst., National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.) |
Chair: Makoto Sakata (Nagoya Univ.) | |
Young Scientist Award | Eiji Nishibori (Nagoya Univ.) 放射光粉末X線回折法による精密結晶構造解析法の開発と展開」 |
Chair: Jun Harada(Univ. of Tokyo) | |
OB-I-01 | Humidity and Temperature Dependent Phase Transitions of Disodium Inosine 5'-Monophosphate hydrate ○Takashige Hiramatsu, Shigefumi Yamamura and Yoko Sugawara(School of Science, Kitasato Univ.) |
OB-I-02 | Structure and melting point of Room temperature ionic liquids ○Yoshida Ken'ichi and Uekusa Hidehiro(Dept. of Chem. and Materials Sci., Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
OB-I-03 | Crystallization and specific interaction of perfluorobenzen ○Reito Fujita and Hidehiro Uekusa(Dept. of Chem. and Materials Science, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
OB-I-04 | Phase transition process of the pyridone derivatives from powder X-ray diffraction analysis ○Kotaro Fujii, Yasunari Ashida, Hidehiro Uekusa, Shinya Hirano, Shinji Toyota and Humio Toda(Dept. of Chem. and Materials Science, Tokyo Inst. of Tech. and Facl. of Science, Okayama Univ. of Science) |
Chair: Hidehiro Uekusa(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) | |
OB-I-05 | Structure determination using different optics. ○Kazuyoshi Arai, Takayuki Konya and Tetsuya Ozawa(Rigaku Corp.) |
OB-I-06 | Structural study of medicine by using in situ powder diffraction analysis ○Takayuki Konya, Kazuyoshi Arai, Tetsuya Ozawa, Go Fujinawa and Akira Kishi(Rigaku Corp.) |
OB-I-07 | Proton Tautomerism of Salicylideneanilines in Crystals Toshikatsu Fujiwara, Jun Harada and ○Keiichiro Ogawa(The Univ. of Tokyo, Komaba) |
OB-I-08 | Crystal Structure of Vh-Amylose ○Yasuhiro Takahashi and Ho Sul(Grad. School of Science, Osaka Univ.) |
Chair: Genji Kurisu(Univ. of Tokyo) | |
OC-I-01 | Installation of mail-in data collection system at SPring-8 structural biology beamlines ○Kazuya Hasegawa, Nobuo Okazaki, Go Ueno, Yuji Fukumoto, Hironori Murakami, Hisanobu Sakai, Raita Hirose and Masaki Yamamoto(SPring-8/JASRI, SPring-8/RIKEN, PharmAxess Inc.) |
OC-I-02 | 02 Free Mounting System?: A Novel Tool to Improve the Quality of Crystallographic Data. ○Kris F. Tesh・Christian Benda・Angela Criswel・Joseph D. Ferrara・Reiner Kiefersauer・Torsten Neuefeind・J.W. Pflugrath・Cheng Yang(Rigaku Corporation) |
OC-I-03 | Analysis of Thermal Parameters in High-Resolution Protein Crystals ○Kazuaki Harata, Nobuhiko Watanabe and Toshihiko Akiba(Biological Information Research Center, National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.) |
OC-I-04 | 04Ultra-high resolution crystals grown under microgravity environment ○Hiroaki Tanaka, Koji Inaka, Shigeru Sugiyama, Sachiko Takahashi, Mari Yamanaka, Satoshi Sano, Moritoshi Motohara, Masaru Sato, Tomoyuki Kobayashi and Tetsuo Tanaka(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan Space Forum, Maruwa Food Industries, Inc.) |
Chair: Yasuhito Shomura(Univ. of Hyogo) | |
OC-I-05 | 05 What Situation can we use the S-SAD? ○Atsuo Suzuki and Takashi Yamane(Grad. School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.) |
OC-I-06 | Absolute configuration of the hydroxyfarnesylethyl group of haem A, determined by X-ray structural analysis of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase using methods applicable at 2.8Å resolution ○Hiroshi Aoyama, Eiki Yamashita, Kazumasa Muramoto, Kyoko Shinzawa-Itoh, Shinya Yoshikawa and Tomitake Tsukihara(RIKEN Harima Inst., Inst. for Protein Research, Osaka Univ., Graduate School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo) |
OC-I-07 | Structure of the electron transfer complex between ferredoxin and plant type sulfite reductase ○Genji Kurisu, Masato Nakayama, Hiroshi Toyoda, Masami Kusunoki and Toshiharu Hase(Dept. of Life Sciences, Univ. of Tokyo, Inst. of Protein Res., Osaka Univ.) |
Chair: Soichi Wakatsuki (KEK) | |
Young Scientist Award | Tomoo Shiba (KEK) Studies for intracellular vesicular transport and posttranslational protein modification using X-ray crystallographic analysis |
Start Time | 14:00 | 14:15 | 14:30 | 14:45 | 15:00 | 15:15 | 15:30 | 15:45 | 16:00 | 16:15 | 16:30 | 16:45 |
Hall A | OA-II-01 | OA-II-02 | OA-II-03 | OA-II-04 | OA-II-05 | OA-II-06 | OA-II-07 | OA-II-08 | OA-II-09 | OA-II-10 | OA-II-11 | OA-II-12 |
Hall B | OB-II-01 | OB-II-02 | OB-II-03 | OB-II-04 | OB-II-05 | OB-II-06 | OB-II-07 | OB-II-08 | OB-II-09 | OB-II-10 | OB-II-11 | OB-II-12 |
Hall C | OC-II-01 | OC-II-02 | OC-II-03 | OC-II-04 | OC-II-05 | OC-II-06 | OC-II-07 | OC-II-08 | OC-II-09 | OC-II-10 | OC-II-11 | OC-II-12 |
Chair: Masatomo Yashima(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) | |
OA-II-01 | Real Space Observation of Helical Spin Order ○Masaya Uchida, Yoshinori Onose, Yoshio Matsui and Yoshinori Tokura(Japan, Science and Tech. Agency (JST), ERATO) |
OA-II-02 | 3Analysis of X-Ray Diffuse Scattering by Introducing 3-body Correlation Function ○Hiroshi Abe(Dept. of Mater. Sci. & Eng., National Defense Academy) |
OA-II-03 | Structure analysis of Ca12Al14O32 inorganic electride ○Terutoshi Sakakura, Kiyoaki Tanaka, Masashi Watanabe, Yukio Noda, Satoru Matsuishi and Hideo Hosono(Graduate School of Materials Science & Engineering, Nagoya Inst. of Tech., Inst. of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku Univ., and Frontier Collaborative Research Center, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
OA-II-04 | Li composition dependency of crystal and electronic structure of LiCoO2 ○Yasuhiko Takahashi, Norihito Kijima, Kazuyasu Tokiwa, Tsuneo Watanabe and Junji Akimoto(National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech. (AIST), Tokyo Univ. of Science) |
Chair: Eiji Nishibori(Nagoya Univ.) | |
OA-II-05 | Magnetic and crystal structure of multiferroic compounds RMn2O5 ○Yukio Noda, Hiroyuki Kimura, Youichi Kamada, Toshihiro Osawa, Yosikazu Fukuda, Satoru Kobayashi, Yusuke Wakabayashi, Naoshi Ikeda and Kay Kohn(Tohoku Univ., Iwate Univ., Photon Factory, SPring-8, Waseda Univ.) |
OA-II-06 | Characterization of sapphire crystal grown by the heat exchange method ○Kazushi Sumitani, Osami Sakata and Mamoru Yoshimoto(SPring-8/JASRI, Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
OA-II-07 | High Resolution Electron Microscopy Investigation of a New Misfit-Layered Cobalt Oxide [Sr2O2-ω]0.5CoO2 ○Takuro Nagai, Kei Sakai, Maarit Karppinen, Toru Asaka, Koji Kimoto, Hisao Yamauchi and Yoshio Matsui(National Inst. for Materials Science, Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
OA-II-08 | 4-Dimensional Approach for Homologous Phases in the System TiO2-Ga2O3 ○Yuichi Michiue, Akiji Yamamoto and Masahiko Tanaka(National Inst. for Materials Science) |
Chair: Satoshi Sasaki(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) | |
OA-II-09 | Doping effect on charge ordering in RFe2O4 (R=Lu,Yb) ○Y. Matsuo, Y. Horibe, S. Mori, K. Yoshii and N. Ikeda(Dept. of Physics, Osaka Pref. Univ., JAERI, JASRI/SPring-8) |
OA-II-10 | Structural analysis for Charge-ordered structure in spinel compound AlV2O4 ○Y. Horibe, H. Ishibashi, S. Mori, N. Ikeda and T. Katsufuji(Dept. of Physical Science, Osaka Pref. Univ., JASRI, SPring-8, Dept. of Physics, Waseda Univ.) |
OA-II-11 | Crystal Structure of Superconducting Li2Pd3B System with Distorted Octahedron ○Takashi Mochiku, Hiroyuki Takeya, Tuerxun Wuernisha, Kazuhiro Mori, Toru Ishigaki, Takashi Kamiyama, Hiroki Fujii and Kazuto Hirata(NIMS, KEK-KENS, KUR, JAEA) |
OA-II-12 | Relationships between magnetic domains and antiphase domains in double perovskite Ba2FeMoO6 ○Toru Asaka, Xiuzhen Yu, Yasuhide Tomioka, Takuro Nagai, Koji Kimoto, Yoshio Kaneko, Yoshinori Tokura and Yoshio Matsui(High Voltage Electron Microscopy Station, National Inst. for Materials Science. Spin Super Structure Project, ERATO, JST. Correlated Electron Research Center, National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech. HREM Research, Dept. of Applied Physics, Univ. of Tokyo.) |
Chair: Yoshiki Kubota(Osaka Prefecture Univ.) | |
OB-II-01 | Trial of Refined Structure Analysis of Polymer Crystals using Neutron Diffraction and Synchrotron Radiation ○Kohji Tashiro, Takashi Oohara, Ichiro Tanaka, Nobuo Niimura, Kazuo Kurihara, Satoru Fujiwara, Taro Tamada and Ryota Kuroki(Department of Future Industry-Oriented Basic Science and Materials, Toyota Technological Inst., JAERI, Ibaragi University) |
OB-II-02 | Crystal Structure analysis implementing GA and MEM ○Makoto Sakata, Shinobu Aoyagi and Eiji Nishibori(Dept. of Applied Physics, Nagoya Univ.) |
OB-II-03 | GPowder ab initio X-ray structural analysis of Indoline-TCNQ condensed compound by GA ○Kazuteru Sawai, Eiji Nishibori, Yukihiro Yoshida, Hideki Yamochi, Gunzi Saito, Masaki Takata and Makoto Sakata(Grad. School of engineering, Univ. of Nagoya, Division of Chemistry, Grad. School of Science, Univ. of Kyoto, Research Center for Low Temperature and Materials Sciences and JASRI) |
OB-II-04 | Crystal Structure of Large Phenylethynyl-Bridged Ferrocene-Anthraquinone Complex ○Masanori Yoshida, Shinobu Aoyagi, Eiji Nishibori, Makoto Sakata, Mio Kondo, Masaki Murata and Hiroshi Nishihara(Dept. of Applied Physics, Nagoya Univ., Dept. of Chemistry, School of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo) |
Chair: Masanori Yasui(Univ. of Electro-Communications) | |
OB-II-05 | Spontaneous resolution of salts of DL-phenylethylammonium hydrogen tartronate and DL-1-(4-bromophenyl)ethylammonium hydrogen tartronate ○Takeo Fukunaga, Nobuko Kanehisa, Yasushi Kai, Masaaki Kojima and Hiroyuki Ishida(Grad. School of Natural Science and Tech., Okayama Univ., Grad. School of Tech., Osaka Univ., Faculty of Science, Okayama Univ.) |
OB-II-06 | Design of the supramolecular fiber based on the crystal structure analysis of triphenylmethylamine inorganic acid salts ○Ushio Futoshi, Norimitsu Tohnai and Mikiji Miyata(Grad. School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.) |
OB-II-07 | Solvent-dependent polymorphism and combination of supramolecular clusters of primary ammonium phosphonates ○Nobuyasu Kai, Norimitsu Tohnai and Mikiji Miyata(Grad. School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.) |
OB-II-08 | Hierarchical Interpretation for guest-dependent polymorphism of quinidine ○Yoshihisa Kogami, Tsuyoshi Watabe, Ichiro Hisaki, Norimitsu Tohnai and Mikiji Miyata(Grad. School of Material and Life Science, Engineering Department, Osaka Univ.) |
Chair: Daisuke Hashizume(RIKEN) | |
OB-II-09 | Trapped acetylene molecules onto a microporous coordination polymer ○Yoshiki Kubota, Masaki Takata, Ryotaro Matsuda, Ryo Kitaura, Susumu Kitagawa, Tatsuo Kobayashi and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe(Grad. School of Science, Osaka Prefecture Univ., JASRI/SPring-8/CREST, Kyoto Univ., Okayama Univ. Tohoku Univ.) |
OB-II-10 | Structure Analysis of EtOH-ZSM-5 Yuki Torii, Natsumi Kamiya, Koji Nishi and ○Yoshinobu Yokomori(Applied Chemistry, National Defense Academy) |
OB-II-11 | Oxidative addition of thiol to dinuclear iridium-BINAP complex and crystal structure ○Tsuneaki Yamagata, Kazunori Hoshida and Kazushi Mashima(Dept. of Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.) |
OB-II-12 | CPhoto-Excited Crystal Structure of Photo-luminescent Iodo-bridged Copper(I) complex polymer ○Yoshiki Ozawa, Shingo Yoshida, Minoru Mitsumi, Koshiro Toriumi, Nobuhiro Yasuda, Hirami Araki, Kiyoshi Tsuge and Yoichi Sasaki(Grad. School of Material Sci., Univ. of Hyogo, JASRI, CREST, Grad. School of Sci., Hokkaido Univ.) |
Chair: Masahiro Fujihashi(Kyoto Univ.) | |
OC-II-01 | The Crystal Structure of C-terminal Fragment of Rabbit Skeletal a-Tropomyosin; Crystallographic Evidence of Tropomyosin Bending ○Yasushi Nitanai, Kayo Maeda, Naoko Oda, Shiho Minakata and Yuichiro Maeda(RIKEN Harima Inst., ERATO, JST) |
OC-II-02 | Structural bases for nucleic acid chemotherapy: Crystal structures of complexes between 5-(N-aminohexyl)carbamoyl-modified antigene and the target DNA, and between the modified antisense and the target RNA ○Ella Czarina Magat Juan, Takeshi Kurihara, Jiro Kondo, Takanori Ito, Yoshihito Ueno, Akira Matsuda and Akio Takenaka(Graduate School of Bioscience and BioTech., Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Grad. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido Univ., Faculty of Engineering, Gifu Univ.) |
OC-II-03 | Crystal Structure of Spermidine Synthase from E. coli ○Tadashi Ganbe, Mio Ohnuma, Takao Sato, Takashi Kumasaka, Tairo Oshima and Nobuo Tanaka(Grad. School of Bioscience and BioTech., Tokyo Inst. of Tech. and Department of Molecular Biology, Tokyo Univ. of Pharmacy and Life Science) |
OC-II-04 | Molecular mechanism of transcription regulation protein HutP-mediated anti-termination ○Hiroshi Mizuno, Thirumananseri Kumarevel and Penmetcha K.R. Kumar(AIST, NEC Soft Ltd.) |
Chair: Takayoshi Kinoshita(Osaka Prefecture Univ.) | |
OC-II-05 | Crystal structure analysis of (Ascaris suum) adult mitochondrial Complex II ○Hironari Shimizu, Arihiro Osanai, Daniel Ken Inaoka, Hironori Otani, Kimitoshi Sakamoto, Kiyoshi Kita and Shigeharu Harada(Grad. School of Medicine, Univ. of Tokyo and Department of Applied Biology, Kyoto Inst. of Tech.) |
OC-II-06 | X-ray structure of a reaction intermediate of thioredoxin peroxidase from hyperthermophilic archaeon A. pernix K1 ○Takahiko Yamamoto, Tsutomu Nakamura, Manabu Abe, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Hiroyoshi Matsumura, Yoshihisa Hagihara, Kazuhiko Ishikawa, Mitsuo Ataka and Yasushi Kai(Grad. School of Engineering, Osaka Univ., National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.) |
OC-II-07 | A new ODCase reaction identified by a crystallographic analysis ○Masahiro Fujihashi, Angelica M. Bello, Ewa Poduch, Lianhu Wei, Subhash C. Annedi, Emil F. Pai and Lakshmi P. Kotra(Grad. School of Science, Kyoto Univ., Ontario Canser Inst., MDIT Center, Univ. of Toronto, Dept. of Med. Biophicics, Univ. of Toronto, Faculty of Pharm., Univ. of Toronto, Depts. of. Biochem., Molecular and Medical Genetics, Univ. of Toronto, Dept. of Chem., Univ. of Toronto) |
OC-II-08 | Crystal structure of TTHA0849 from Thermus thermophilus HB8 ○Makoto Nakabayashi, Naoki Shibata, Hirofumi Komori, Yasufumi Ueda, Hitoshi Iino, Akio Ebihara, Seiki Kuramitsu and Yoshiki Higuchi(Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo, RIKEN Harima Inst./SPring-8) |
Chair: Naoki Shibata(Univ. of Hyogo) | |
OC-II-09 | Helical Twists of Collagen Model Peptides ○Chizuru Hongo, Guanguan Wu, Nattha Jiravanichanun, Keiichi Noguchi and Kenji Okuyama(Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ.) |
OC-II-10 | Unusual repeat structure found in a protein involved in neuronal layer formation ○Terukazu Nogi, Norihisa Yasui, Kenji Iwasaki and Junichi Takagi(Inst. for Protein Research, Osaka Univ.) |
OC-II-11 | Identification of water molecule binding position as an inducer of conformational change in active site of adenosine deaminase ○Takayoshi Kinoshita, Isao Nakanishi, Tadashi Terasaka, Masako Kuno, Nobuo Seki, Masaichi Warizaya, Hiroyoshi Matsumura, Kazufuji Takano, Yusuke Mori, Hiroaki Adachi and Takashi Fujii(Graduate School of Science, Osaka Prefecture University) |
OC-II-12 | X-ray Crystallographic Study of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase from Escherichia coli ○Toshihiro Okada, Hideyuki Suzuki, Kei Wada, Shintaro Kitaoka, Hidehiko Kumagai and Keiichi Fukuyama(Grad. School of Science, Osaka University, Grad. School of Biostudies, Kyoto Univ.) |
PA-I-01 | Single-Crystal structure analysis of BaLn2Mn2O7 (Ln=Gd,Eu) ○Tsuyoshi Suwa, Hisashi Hibino, Takashi Ida, Nobuo Ishizawa and Hiromi Nakano(Nagoya Inst. of Tech., Ryukoku Univ.) |
PA-I-02 | A position-tunable x-ray collimator ○Masayasu Tokonami, Masami Yoshizawa, Riichirou Negishi, Shoichi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Miwa and Akihiro Nagayoshi(Advanced Sci. Res. Lab., Saitama Inst. of Tech., Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Saitama Inst. of Tech., Mizojiri Optical Co. Ltd.) |
PA-I-03 | The crystal structure of ferroelectric KH2PO4 ○Yuki Nakamoto, Tomoko Kagayama, Katsuya Shimizu and Takamitsu Yamanaka(KYOKUGEN, Osaka Univ., Department of Earth and Space Science Grad. School of Science, Osaka Univ.) |
PA-I-04 | Single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of high-pressure and high-temperature phase of MgFe2O4 -post-spinel phase- ○Akihito Uchida, Takamitsu Yamanaka and Eiji Ito(Dept. of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ.) |
PA-I-05 | Noncentrosymmetric structure of Gd3Ru1O7 ○Keishi Hiraga, Hisashi Hibino, Takashi Ida, Nobuo Ishizawa and Syuji Oishi(Nagoya Inst. of Tech., Shinsyu Univ.) |
PA-I-06 | Study of the site symmetry change of high-pressure phase of ZnFe2O4 by single-crystal structure analysis ○Hiroaki Sugita, Hirosi Matsumura, Takamitsu Yamanaka and Eiji Ito(Dept. of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ.) |
PA-I-07 | The Crystal structure of CaCuAsO4OH conichalcite and isomorphous minerals ○Shunsuke Sakai, Akira Yoshiasa, Kazumasa Sugiyama and Ritsuro Miyawaki(Faculty of Science, Kumamoto Univ.) |
PA-I-08 | The Crystal structure refinement of Ca2NaCd2V3O12 and related vanadate garnet ○Shinobu Nishimiya, Akira Yoshiasa, Akihiko Nakatsuka, Kazuake Iishi, Hiroki Okudera, Maki Okube and Satoshi Sasaki(Kumamoto univ., Yamaguchi Univ., Kanazawa Univ., Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
PA-I-09 | Crystal structure of MgAl2O4 quenched from 41.8 GPa and 2200 K ○Yasuhiro Kudoh, Takahiro Kuribayashi, Yuichiro Sueda and Tetsuo Irifune(Grad. School of Science, Tohoku Univ.) |
PA-I-10 | Crystal structure of room temperature phase in BaTiO3 ○Masashi Morioka, Yukio Yoshimura, Akira Kojima and Kenichi Tozaki(Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dept. of Physics, Ritsumeikan Univ., Dept. of Materials Science, The Univ. of Shiga Prefecture, Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Education, Chiba Univ.) |
PA-I-11 | X-ray Diffraction Study of Structural Phase Transitions on KNbO3 ○Takuro Sharyo, Yukio Yoshimura, Akira Kojima and Kazuhiro Yamada(Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan Univ., Dept. of Material science, The Univ. of Shiga Prefecture, Mitsui Materials) |
PA-I-12 | Investigation of structure change of Fe2TiO4 due to Jahn-Teller effect by single crystal structure analyses under high-pressure and low-temperature conditions ○Sachiko Asogawa, Hiroshi Matsumura, Takamitsu Yamanaka and Takanori Tanaka(Grad. School of Science, Osaka Univ.) |
PA-I-13 | High-pressure study of SnO2 by single crystal structure analysis and discussion about the post-stishovite transition mechanism rutile ○Hiroshi Matsumura, Kenji Ohi, Takamitsu Yamanaka and Seiji Takeda(Grad. School of Science, Osaka Univ.) |
PA-I-14 | Relationship between 6 Type Ordered Structure and Double-step Ordering in FCC Alloys ○Ken-ichi Ohshima, Hiroshi Iwasaki and Miwako Takahashi(Inst. of Materials Science, Univ. of Tsukuba) |
PA-I-15 | Crystal structure of the high-temperature paraelectric phase in barium titanate BaTi2O5 ○Masatomo Yashima, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto and Hisanori Yamane(Interdescriplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Inst. for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ., Center for Interdescriplinary Research, Tohoku Univ.) |
PA-I-16 | Structure refinement of aragonite-type lanthanum orthoborate LaBO3 ○Akihiko Nakatsuka, Noriaki Nakayama, Tadato Mizota, Hiroshi Arima and Osamu Ohtaka(Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi Univ. and Grad. School of Science, Osaka Univ.) |
PA-I-17 | Structural variation of vanadate garnets NaA2M2V3O12(A = Ca, Pb; M = Co, Cu, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn)with occupied cation species ○Yuya Miyake, Akihiko Nakatsuka, Noriaki Nakayama, Tadato Mizota, Akira Yoshiasa, Hiroki Okudera, Yasuaki Ikuta and Kazuake Iishi(Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi Univ., Faculty of Science, Kumamoto Univ., Faculty of Science, Kanazawa Univ. and Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi Univ.) |
PA-I-18 | X-ray structural study of manganese intercalated titanium disulfide ○Takuro Kawasaki and Ken-ichi Ohshima(Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba) |
PA-I-19 | Crystal Structure Database of Basic Inorganic Substance, Construction and its Easy Extraction ○Kenji Osaki, Yoshio Sasada, Hideo Koizumi, Yutaka Nakai, Nagao Kamijo and Akira Torii(Working Group/Committee of Crystallographic Information) |
PA-I-20 | Convergent-beam electron diffraction study of LaGa1-xMgxO3 ○Yoichiro Ogata, Kenji Tsuda and Takuya Hashimoto(IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon Univ.) |
PA-I-21 | Thermal vibration analyses of Rutile-type compounds by EXAFS ○Yasuhiro Akune, Yohei Suzuki, Yusuke Kaneko, Keiichiro Murai, Toshihiro Moriga and Ichiro Nakabayashi(Dept. of Chemical Science and Tech., Faculty of Engineering, The Univ. of Tokushima) |
PA-I-22 | EXAFS study on rutile-type fluorides of first-row transition metals ○Yohei Suzuki, Yusuke Kaneko, Keiichiro Murai, Toshihiro Moriga and Ichiro Nakabayashi(Dept. of Chemical Science and Tech., Faculty of Engineering, The Univ. of Tokushima) |
PA-I-23 | SR Structural Study of Pb-Free Relaxor Ferroelectrics BZT ○Su Jae Kim, Yoshihiro Terado, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa, Atsuhiro Doi and Hitoshi Tabata(Hiroshima Univ., Osaka Univ.) |
PA-I-24 | SR Structural Study of Layered Oxychalcogenides LaOCuCh (Ch=S,Se,Te). ○Manabu Goto, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa, Yusuke Ooki, Kouichi Takase, Yumiko Takahashi and Yoshiki Takano(Okayama Univ., Hiroshima Univ., Nihon Univ.) |
PA-I-25 | Synthesis and characterization of molybdenum oxide nanosheets ○Satoshi Ohshima, Masashi Oguri, Katsutoshi Fukuda, Akiko Hokura, Izumi Nakai, Yasuo Ebina and Takayoshi Sasaki(Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Univ. of Science, Advanced Materials Laboratory, National Inst. for Materials Science and CREST, Japan Science and Tech. Corporation) |
PB-I-01 | Electronic states of diaminodicyanopyrazine derivatives having azomethine groups in single crystals ○Atsushi Koseki, Shinya Matsumoto and Mitsuhiro Yanagita(Yokohama National Univ., Nippon Soda Company Limited) |
PB-I-02 | Structure-Stability Relationship in Diaminodicyanopyrazine Dye Polymorphs ○Yoko Uchida, Shinya Matsumoto and Mitsuhiro Yanagita(Yokohama National Univ., Nippon Soda Company Limited) |
PB-I-03 | ab-initio Structure Determination of Pharmaceutical compounds from Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Powder Diffraction Data with SPring-8 ○Tadakatsu Ogura, Shinobu Aoyagi, Eiji Nishihori, Shintaro Misaki and Makoto Sakata(Dept. of Applied Physics, Nagoya Univ., Shionogi & co., Ltd.) |
PB-I-04 | Photochromism of Fulgides in Single Crystals ○Jun Harada, Ryo Nakajima and Keiichiro Ogawa(The Univ. of Tokyo, Komaba) |
PB-I-05 | Kinetics of crystalline-noncrystalline phase transition of sucrose crystal ○Taro Fujita and Ken-ichi Ohshima(Inst. of Materials Science, Univ. of Tsukuba) |
PB-I-06 | Ordered structure of ferroelectric molecular crystal trichloroacetamide ○Taihei Shido, Chikako Moriyoshi, Yoshihiro Terado, Su Jae Kim and Yoshihiro Kuroiwa(Grad. School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.) |
PB-I-07 | The structure of ferrocene-anthraquinone complex with gests by synchrotron radiation powder diffraction ○Yusuke Kinoshita, Shinobu Aoyagi, Eiji Nishibori, Makoto Sakata, Mio Kondo, Masaki Murata and Hiroshi Nishihara(Dept. of Applied Physics, Nagoya Univ., Dept. of Chemistry, School of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo) |
PB-I-08 | The accurate structure determination of molecular crystal, NixAu(1-x)(tmdt)2, produced for the control of the electric and magnetic properties ○Takeshi Higashi, Eiji Nishibori, Makoto Sakata, Masaki Takata, Zhou Biao and Akiko Kobayashi(Grad. School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ., Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Inst./SPring-8, Grad. School of Chemistry, The Univ. of Tokyo) |
PB-I-09 | Molecular structure of endohedral metallofullerene, Sc(III)2C84Sc2C84 determined by monoclinic and triclinic powderdiffraction patterns ○Masayuki Ishihara, Eiji Nishibori, Masaki Takata, Yasuhiro Ito, Hisanori Shinohara and Makoto Sakata(Grad. School of engineering, Nagoya Univ., Grad. School of faculty, Univ. of Nagoya, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Inst.) |
PB-I-10 | The reanalysis of structure for Sc3C82, using the high quality X-ray powder diffraction Data at SPring-8 ○Ikuya Terauchi, Eiji Nishibori, Yasuhiro Ito, Hisanori Shinohara, Masaki Takata and Makoto Sakata(Dept. of Engineering, Nagoya Univ., Dept. of Chemistry, Nagoya Univ., Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Inst.) |
PB-I-11 | Towards photocontrollable Jahn-Teller switch: Cooperative spin re-ordering and distortion of d9 centers ○NAUMOV Panče・SAKURAI Kenji・ASAKA Toru・BELIK A. Alexei・ADACHI Shin-ichi・TAKAHASHI Junichi・KOSHIHARA Shin-ya(ICYS・ERATO・MEL・HVEMS・KEK・Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
PB-I-12 | X-ray Structure Analysis of Photo-Excited State of Three-Coordinate Au(I) Complex ○Manabu Hoshino, Hidehiro Uekusa, Yoshiki Ozawa and Koshiro Toriumi(Grad. School of Sci. and Eng., Tokyo Inst. Tech., Grad. School of Material Sci., Univ. of Hyogo) |
PB-I-13 | Structures and Properties of chiral cyanide-bridged Cu-Ni/Pt complexes ○Takashiro Akitsu and Yasuaki Einaga(Faculty of Science and Tech., Keio Univ.) |
PB-I-14 | Temperature Dependence of Photo-isomerization of Cp*-Rhodium Disulfonate dimer Complex in Crystalline State ○Takae Yonezawa, Yoshiki Ozawa, Minoru Mitsumi, Koshiro Toriumi, Nobuhiro Yasuda, Hidetaka Nakai, Yoshihito Hayashi and Kiyoshi Isobe(Grad. School of Material Science, Univ. of Hyogo, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Inst., Grad. School of Nat. Sci., Kanazawa Univ.) |
PB-I-15 | Photo-Excited Crystal Structure of Rhorium(III)pyridineiodide complex ○Yuuki Gounai, Yoshiki Ozawa, Minoru Mitsumi, Koshiro Toriumi and Nobuhiro Yasuda(Grad. School of Material Sci., Univ. of Hyogo, JASRI, CREST) |
PC-I-01 | Crystal Structures of Pseudechetoxin and Pseudecin, Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Ion Channel Blockers from Elapid Venoms ○Nobuhiro Suzuki, Yasuo Yamazaki, Zui Fujimoto, Takashi Morita and Hiroshi Mizuno(Grad. School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba, National Inst. of Agrobiological Sciences, Meiji Pharmaceutical Univ. NEC Soft, Ltd.) |
PC-I-02 | X-ray Structure of Tom1 GAT domain and ubiquitin complex ○Masato Akutsu, Massato Kawasaki, Youhei Katoh, Tomoo shiba, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Ryuuichi Kato, Kouichi Kato and Souichi Wakatsuki(The Grad. Univ. for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) School of High Energy Accelerator Science, Dept. of Materials Structure Science) |
PC-I-03 | X-ray structure of Themoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 cyclodextrin binding protein ○Mitsugu Yamada, Hiromi Yoshida, Shigehiro Kamitori, Akiko Sogawa, Masahiro Mizuno, Takashi Tonozuka, Atsushi Nishikawa and Yoshiyuki Sakano(Grad. School of Med., Kagawa Univ., Information Tech. Center, Kagawa Univ., Dept. of Applied Biological Science, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture & Tech.) |
PC-I-04 | The Crystal Structure of the HspBP1-Hsp70 complex ○Yasuhito Shomura, F. Ulrich Hartl and Andreas Bracher(Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo, MPI for Biochemistry and MPI for Biochemistry) |
PC-I-05 | X-ray Structure Analysis of Phosphomannomutase from Sulfolobus tokodaii ○Tsuyoshi Yamashita, Atsuo Suzuki and Takashi Yamane(Grad. School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.) |
PC-I-06 | Strategy for crystallization of FEN1-DNA complex and FEN1-PCNA-DNA complex ○Shigeru Sakurai, Ken Kitano, Hiroshi Morioka and Toshio Hakoshima(Grad. School of Information Science, NAIST, Grad. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido Univ., CREST) |
PC-I-07 | The structure of S. pombe cia1 in complex with a histone H3 peptide ○Ali Malay, Takashi Umehara, Akiko Tanaka, Masami Horikoshi, Balasundaram Padmanabhan and Shigeyuki Yokoyama(Genomic Sciences Center, RIKEN Yokohama Inst., Inst. of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, The Univ. of Tokyo, Horikoshi Gene Selector Project, Exploratory Research for Advanced Tech., Japan Science and Tech. Corporation, RIKEN Harima Inst./SPring-8, Dept. of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Grad. School of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo) |
PC-I-08 | Structural property of chameleon sequence ○Yoshiaki Katagiri, Hyongi Chon, Hiroyoshi Matsumura, Yuichi Koga, Kazufumi Takano and Shigenori Kanaya(Grad. School of Eng, Osaka Univ.) |
PC-I-09 | Crystal structure analysis of Mn(II)-dependent BphC from Bacillussp.JF8 ○Yusuke Akai, Miki Senda, Keiichiro Hori, Takashi Hatta, Kazuhide Kimbara and Toshiya Senda(Japan Biological Information Research Center, JBIC, Research Inst. of Tech., Okayama Univ. of Science, Research Inst. for Bioresources, Okayama Univ., Biological Information Research Center, AIST) |
PC-I-10 | Crystal structure of conserved hypothetical protein TTHA1846 complexed with coenzyme A and Zn ion from Thermus thermophilus HB8 ○Toshiaki Hosaka, Kazutaka Murayama, Miyuki Katou, Takaho Terada, Mikako Shirouzu, Seiki Kuramitsu and Shigeyuki Yokoyama(RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center(GSC) Protein Research Group) |
PC-I-11 | Crystal Structures of sulfotransferases from mycobacterium family ○Md. Murad Hossain, Yuuji Moriizumi, Shotaro Tanaka, Makoto Kimura and Yoshimitsu Kakuta(Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate school, Kyushu Univ.) |
PC-I-12 | Structure and catalytic mechanism of heme-containing dioxygenase ○Hiroshi Sugimoto, Keiko Yotsuya, Shun-ichiro Oda, Tomoya Hino, Takashi Otsuki, Tadashi Yoshida and Yoshitsugu Shiro(Biometal Science Laboratory, RIKEN Harima Inst.. Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo, Yamagata Univ. School of Medicine.) |
PC-I-13 | Structure Refinement of Human H-PGDS by Maximum Entropy Method ○M. Arimoto, S. Aoyagi, E. Nishibori, Y. Kado, T. Inoue, Y. Kai, H. Ago, M. Miyano and M. Sakata(Dept. of Applied Physics, Nagoya Univ., Dept. of Materials Chemistry, Osaka Univ., RIKEN Harima Inst.) |
PC-I-14 | X-ray crystal structural analysis of N-terminal domain of human galectin-8 ○Tsutomu Matsuzaka, Yuichiro Kezuka, Ryuichi Kato, Soichi Wakatsuki, Hiroko Ideo, Akira Seko, Katsuko Yamashita and Takamasa Nonaka(BioEngineering, Nagaoka Univ. of Tech., Inst. of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization and Sasaki Inst.) |
PC-I-15 | Ultra high resolution X-ray and neutron crystallography of Stereum purpureum endopolygalacturonase ○Tetsuya Shimizu, Toru Nakatsu, Nobutaka Shimizu, Mamoru Sato, Kazuo Kurihara, Kazuo Miyairi, Toshikatsu Okuno, Nobuo Niimura, Masaki Yamamoro and Hiroaki Kato(Grad. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto Univ., RIKEN, Harima Inst., JASRI/SPring-8, Grad. School of Integrated Science, Yokohama City Univ., JAEA, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, Hirosaki Univ., Grad. School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki Univ.) |
PC-I-16 | Ultrahigh resolution structures of Toho-1 beta-lactamase ○Takuro Uchiyama, Tatsuro Shimamura, Jun Ishijima, Eiji Nishibori, Makoto Sakata, Takashi Kumasaka and Masashi Miyano(Dept. of Life Science, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
PC-I-17 | structure analyses of maize glutamine synthetase Hideaki Unno(Inst. for Protein Research, Osaka Univ.) |
PC-I-18 | Structural Analysis of a Thermostable Endo-Arabinanase ○Asako Yamaguchi, Takayoshi Kinoshita, Tomoya Kitatani, Takuo Sakai and Toshiji Tada(Grad. School of Science, Osaka Prefecture Univ., IGA Bioresearch) |
PC-I-19 | Crystal structure of maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase ○Taketo Ogawa, Hiroyoshi Matsumura, Tsuyoshi Hurumoto, Ayako Kogami, Yuko Mihara, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Katsura Izui and Yasushi Kai(Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ., Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto Univ.) |
PC-I-20 | Crystal structure of glutathione-dependent dehydroascorbate reductase from spinach chloroplast ○Tomonori Yadani, Shinichi Kurata, Hiroyoshi Matsumura, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Eiichi Mizohata, Taise Shimaoka, Chikahiro Miyake, Akiho Yokota and Yasushi Kai(Grad. School of Engineering, Osaka Univ., Grad. School of Biological Science, Nara Inst. of Science and Tech.) |
PC-I-21 | Relationship between structure and function of the selective inhibitor HQL-79 for human hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase ○Yuji Kado, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Kosuke Aritake, Hiroyoshi Matsumura, Masashi Miyano, Yasushi Kai and Yoshihiro Urade(Grad. School of Applied Chem., Osaka Univ.) |
PC-I-22 | Crystal structures of 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate kinase from Sulfolobus tokodaii ○Kaoru Suzuki, Tomohiko Toyoda Natsumi Suzuki, Isao Koike, Satoru Shimizu, Akio Tak_naka and Takeshi Sekiguchi(College of Science and Engineering. Iwaki Meisei University, Structural Biology Research Center, Photon Factory, Inst. of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Grad. School of Bioscience and BioTech., Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
PC-I-23 | 8-oxo-dGTP hydrolysis in the crystal of Escherichia coli MutT ○Teruya Nakamura and Yuriko Yamagata(Grad. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto Univ.) |
PC-I-24 | Structural approach to Escherichia coli SufBCD, an essential complex for Fe-S cluster biosynthesis by SUF system ○Shintaro Kitaoka, Kei Wada, Yuko Hasegawa, Kei Suzaki, Zhao Gong, Norika Sumi, Yoshiko Minami, Yasuhiro Takahashi and Keiichi Fukuyama(Dept. of Biol., Grad. School of Science, Osaka Univ, Dept. of Biochem., Fac. of Sci., Okayama Univ. of Sci.) |
PC-I-25 | Structural basis for the methylation mechanism in methyltransferase BchU involved in bacteriochlorophyll c biosynthesis ◯Kei Wada, Jiro Harada, Hitomi Yamaguchi, Keiko Niimi, Shigeaki Osumi, Hirozo Oh-oka, Hitoshi Tamiaki and Keiichi Fukuyama(Grad. School of Science, Osaka Univ., Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan Univ.) |
PC-I-26 | Crystallization of Dishevelled-DIX domain ○Toru Hanamura, Hideki Yamamoto, Akira Kikuchi, Hirofumi Komori, Naoki Shibata and Yoshiki(Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo, Grad. School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima Univ.) |
PC-I-27 | Maximum Entropy Method in Protein Crystallography -Possible & Impossible - ○Kunio Hirata, Yoshitsugu Shiro, Tomitake Tsukihara, Atsushi Nakagawa, Keiichi Fukuyama, Masaki Yamamoto, Hiroshi Tanaka and Masaki Takata(JASRI/SPring-8, CREST/JST, RIKEN/SPring-8, Inst. for protein research, Osaka Univ., Dept. of biology, Osaka Univ., Dept. of Materials Science of Shimane Univ.) |
PC-I-28 | Present States of GA Structure Determination of Protein Using Special Purpose Computer ○Masahiro Makino, Eiji Nishibori, Makoto Sakata, Takahiro Koishi, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Yosuke Ono, Tetsu Narumi, Makoto Taiji, Jun Ishijima, Hideo Ago and Masashi Miyano(Grad. School of Enjineeniring, Univ. of Nagoya, RIKEN Discovery Research Inst., RIKEN GENOMIC SCIENCES CENTER and RIKEN Harima Inst.) |
PC-I-29 | SPring-8 structural biology beamlines / Development of integrated system for mail-in data collection ○Nobuo Okazaki, Kazuya Hasegawa, Go Ueno, Yuji Fukumoto, Hironori Murakami, Raita Hirose, Hisanobu Sakai and Masaki Yamamoto(JASRI, RIKEN SPring-8 Center, PharmAxess Inc.) |
PC-I-30 | SOnline data transfer plan in SPring-8. - How to Image data transfer after Mail-in data collection - ○Sakai Hisanobu, Ishii Miho, Fukui Toru, Tanaka Ryotaro, Mayama Ko, Sakamoto Tatsuaki, Takebe Hideki, Tsuruoka Nobuhiko, Hasegawa Kazuya, Shimizu Nobutaka, Okazaki Nobuo, Yamamoto Masaki and Ishikawa Tetsuya(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Inst., RIKEN) |
PC-I-31 | Protein Growth State Classification using Visual Characteristics ○Kuniaki Kawabata, Mutsunori Takahashi, Kanako Saitoh, Mitsuaki Sugahara, Hajime Asama and Taketoshi Mishima(RIKEN, Distributed Adaptive Robotics Research Unit) |
PC-I-32 | Crystal structure and catalytic mechanism of Trypanosoma cruzi dihydroorotate dehydrogenase ○Daniel Ken Inaoka, Yoshinari Shimizu, Kimitoshi Sakamoto, Takeshi Nara, Takashi Aoki, Tomoo Shiba, Genji Kurisu, Shigeharu Harada and Kiyoshi Kita(Dept. of Biomedical Chemistry, The Univ. of Tokyo, Dept. of Parasitology, Juntendo Univ., Dept. of Life Science, The Univ. of Tokyo, Dept. of Applied Biology, Kyoto Inst. of Tech.) |
PC-I-33 | Structure of human sialidase Neu2 complexed with influenza virus inhibitors ○Chavas L.M.G.・Kato R.・Mann M.C.・Thomson R.J.・Dyason J.C.・von Itzstein M.・McKimm-Breschkin J.・Colman P.M.・Fusi P.・Tringali C.・Venerando B.・Tettamanti G. ・Monti E.・ Wakatsuki S.(KEK-PF SBRC) |
PC-I-34 | Crystal Structure of Galectin-9 N-terminal CRD from Mus musculus reveals basic mechanism of carbohydrate recognition ○Masamichi Nagae, Nozomu Nishi, Takanori Nakamura, Soichi Wakatsuki and Ryuichi Kato(KEK-PF SBRC, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa Univ.) |
PC-I-35 | Crystal Structure of the Biotin Carboxylase Subunit of Pyruvate Carboxylase from Aquifex aeolicus ○Shin Kondo, Shigetoshi Sugio, Shinji Sueda, Jin Yong-Biao and Hiroki Kondo(ZOEGENE Corporation, Dept. of Biochemical Engineering and Science, Kyushu Inst. of Tech.) |
PC-I-36 | Crystallization of Old Yellow Enzyme from Trypanosoma cruzi ○Shigeru Sugiyama, Nahoko Uchiyama, Yoshiko Kobayashi, Mari Yamanaka, Ari Yamanaka, Hiroaki Tanaka, Satoshi Sano, Moritoshi Motohara, Masaru Sato, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Yoshihiro Urade and Koji Inaka(Maruwa Foods Industries, Inc.) |
PC-I-37 | Crystallization of Prostaglandin F2α Synthase from Leshmania major Shigeru Sugiyama, ○Fujiko Shibata, Mari Yamanaka, Ari Yamanaka, Hiroaki Tanaka, Satoshi Sano, Moritoshi Motohara, Masaru Sato, Keiji Tokuoka, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Yoshihiro Urade and Koji Inaka(Maruwa Foods Industries, Inc.) |
PC-I-38 | Increasing of crystal quality observed on the microgravity experiment with LmPGFS Shigeru Sugiyama, Fujiko Shibata, Mari Yamanaka, Ari Yamanaka, Hiroaki Tanaka, Satoshi Sano, Moritoshi Motohara, Masaru Sato, Keiji Tokuoka, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Yoshihiro Urade and ○Koji Inaka(Maruwa Foods Industries, Inc.) |
PC-I-39 | Gel-Tube method for protein crystallization and its practical usage ○Satoshi Sano, Hiroaki Tanaka, Koji Inaka, Shigeru Sugiyama, Sachiko Takahashi, Mari Yamanaka, Moritoshi Motohara, Masaru Sato, Tomoyuki Kobayashi and Tetsuo Tanaka(Japan Space Forum, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Maruwa Food Industries, Inc.) |
PC-I-40 | An assay of protein sample for crystallization by back-angle dynamic light scattering ○Kouhei Shiba, Shigeru Sugiyama, Koji Inaka and Atsushi Nakagawa(Sysmex Corporation, Maruwa Food Industries, Inst. for Protein Research, Osaka Univ.) |
PA-II-01 | Distribution of cations in (Ba1-αSrα)6-3xR8+2xTi18O54 (R = Sm, Nd) solid solutions ○Masafumi Suzuki, Hitoshi Ohsato and Ken-ichi Kakimoto(Materials Science and Engineering, Grad. School of Engineering, Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) |
PA-II-02 | A new high-pressure phase of calcite at room temperature ○Kenji Hagiya and Masanori Matsui(Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo) |
PA-II-03 | Synthesis of TPA-ZSM-5 using KOH as a mineralizer ○Natsumi Kamiya, Yuuki Torii, Masahiro Sasaki, Koji Nishi and Yoshinobu Yokomori(Applied Chemistry, National Defense Academy) |
PA-II-04 | Single crystal growth and structure analysis of monoclinic Li2TiO3 ○Kunimitsu Kataoka, Yasuhiko Takahashi, Norihito Kijima, Junji Akimoto, Yasushi Idemoto and Ken-ichi ohshima(Univ. of Tsukuba, National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Science) |
PA-II-05 | High pressure single crystal X-ray diffraction and FT-IR observation study of norbergite ○Takahiro Kuribayashi, Masahiko Tanaka, Hiroyuki Kagi and Yasuhiro Kudoh(Grad. School of Science, Tohoku University)) |
PA-II-06 | Hole distribution and hole-ordered structure of spin-ladder compound (Sr2Cu2O3)0.70CuO2 with composite crystal structure ○Yoshito Gotoh and Jun Akimitsu(Research Inst. of Instrumentation Frontier, National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech., and Dept. of Physics Aoyama-Gakuin Univ.) |
PA-II-07 | Diffuse Scattering and Local Structure in the Fluorite-Related Oxide Bi-Y-Nb-O ○Rokuro Miida and Takashi Saito(Tokyo Univ. of Science, Suwa, Dept. of Electronic System Engineering) |
PA-II-08 | Optimization of data sampling in crystal structure and charge density analysis using convergent-beam electron diffraction ○Kenji Tsuda, Yoichiro Ogata and Michiyoshi Tanaka(Inst. of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku Univ.) |
PA-II-09 | Diffuse Scattering from Composite Crystals Containing Stacking Faults ○Mitsuko Onoda, Yuzuru Miyazaki, Tsuyoshi Kajitani and Yoshito Gotoh(NIMS, Tohoku Univ., Tohoku Univ., AIST) |
PA-II-10 | The density and bulk modulus of (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 ringwoodite at high temperature and high pressure ○Akira Kuwata, Masanori Matsui, Kenji Hagiya, Tomoo Katsura, Sho Yokoshi, Naotaka Tomioka, Mitsuhiro Sugita, Akifumi Nozawa and Ken-ichi Funakoshi(Univ. of Hyogo, ISEI, Kobe Univ., JASRI) |
PA-II-11 | A-site doping effect and structural phase transition in YMn1-xTixO3 ○J. Tokunaga, Y. Horibe, S. Mori, Y. Aikawa, T. Katsufuji, T. Asada and Y. Koyama(Dept. of Physics., Osaka Pref. Univ., Dept. of Physics., Waseda Univ, JST) |
PA-II-12 | in situ X-ray crystal structure analysis of (La,Sr)ScO3-based perovskites ○Katsuhiro Nomura and Hiroyuki Kageyama(National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.) |
PA-II-13 | Synthesis, Structural Change upon Heating, and Electronic Structure of the Ramsdellite-type TiO2 ○Yasuhiko Takahashi, Norihito Kijima and Junji Akimoto(National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.) |
PA-II-14 | Structural study of low-melting-point Pb-free solder ○Phung Van Son, Kohji Matsuoka and Ken-ichi Ohshima(Grad. School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba) |
PA-II-15 | Locations of water molecules and coordination environments of exchangeable cations in a chabazite ○Akihiko Nakatsuka, Hironao Okada, Keiko Fujiwara, Noriaki Nakayama and Tadato Mizota(Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi Univ.) |
PA-II-16 | Structure analysis of ζ-AlCuCr by anomalous X-ray scattering ○Michiyo Genba and Kazumasa Sugiyama(Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, The Univ. of Tokyo.) |
PA-II-17 | Growth of oriented nanocrystals from unilamellar manganese crystallites ○Katsutoshi Fukuda, Izumi Nakai, Yasuo Ebina and Takayoshi Sasaki(Department of Applied chemistry, Tokyo Univ. of Science, NIMS, CREST-JST) |
PA-II-18 | Generalization of Anharmonic Thermal Vibration Analysis and its Application to the Investigation of Conduction Paths of Al3+ in an Ionic Conductor Al2(WO4)3 Kei-ichi Hatano, ○Kiyoaki Tanaka, Shinji Tamura and Nobuto Imanaka(Material. Sci. Eng., Grad. School of Eng., Nagoya Inst. Tech., Omohi Coll., Grad. School of Eng., Nagoya Inst. Tech., Materials Chem., Grad. School of Eng., Osaka Univ.) ) |
PA-II-19 | Convergent-beam electron diffraction study of La0.95Sr2.05Mn2O7 ○Yoichiro Ogata, Kenji Tsuda, Kazuma Hirota and Youichi Murakami(IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo, Dept. of Physics, Tohoku Univ.) |
PA-II-20 | Commensurate-incommensurate charge order phase transition in Mn214 ○Xiuzhen Yu, Yoshio Kaneko, Jinping He, Mathiu Roland, Takahisa Arima, Masaya Uchida, Toru Asaka, Takuro Nagai, Koji Kimoto, Yoshio Matsui and Yoshinori Tokura(ERATO-JST, IMRAM -Tohoku Univ., HVEMS-NIMS, CERC-AIST, The Univ. of Tokyo) |
PA-II-21 | Phase determination using wide-band parallel X-ray beam ○Takeshi Udagawa, Tomoyuki koganezawa and Yukio Yoshimura(Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dept. of Physics, Ritsumeikan Univ.) |
PA-II-22 | MD simulation of the temperature-pressure-volume equations of state of crystals and melts in the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system Masanori Matsui(Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo) |
PA-II-23 | Magnetic Structure Analysis of Ba Ferrites by Resonant X-ray Magnetic Scattering Atsuko Ohno, Seiji Ohsawa, Norio Shimizu, Koichi Ohkubo, Maki Okube, ○Satoshi Sasaki, Takeharu Mori and Takeshi Toyoda(SL, Tokyo Inst. Tech., IMSS, KEK, Indust. Res. Inst. Ishikawa) |
PA-II-24 | Development of a Versatile Profile Function for Powder Diffraction Peak Profile Analysis Takashi Ida(CRL, Nagoya Inst. Tech.) |
PA-II-25 | Local Structure of Kr trapped in terrestrial materials ○Maki Okube, Eiji Ito, Akira Yoshiasa, Takuya Matsumoto, Yasuko Terada and Satoshi Sasaki(MSL, Tokyo Inst. Tech., ISEI, Okayama Univ., Fac. Sci., Kumamoto Univ., Dep. of Earth and Space Sci., Osaka Univ., JASRI/SPring-8) |
PA-II-26 | The Super High Resolution Powder Diffractometer (SHRPD) for J-PARC ○Takashi Kamiyama, Kenichi Oikawa, Masao Yonemura, Kazuhiro Mori and Toru Ishigaki(IMSS-KEK, JAEA, Ibaraki Univ., Kyoto Univ.) |
PA-II-27 | The Ibaraki Prefecture Materials Design Diffractometer for J-PARC ○Toru Ishigaki, Harjo Stefans, Masao Yonemura, Takashi Kamiyama, Kazuhiro Mori, Takashi Mochiku, Kazuya Aizawa, Masatoshi Arai, Kazuhiro Ebata and Yoshiki Takano(JAEA, Ibaraki Univ., IMSS-KEK-, Kyoto Univ., SMC-NIMS, Ibaraki Pref.) |
PA-II-28 | The Ibaraki Prefecture Biological Diffractometer (BIX-P1 type) for J-PARC ○Ichiro Tanaka, Takashi Ohhara, Tomoji Ozeki, Katsuhiro Kusaka, Kazuo Kurihara and Nobuo Niimura(The College of Engineering, Ibaraki Univ., Quantum Beam Appl. Div., JAEA, Grad. School of Science, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Grad. School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki Univ.) |
PA-II-29 | Crystal Crystal structure and optical properties of a new photocatalyst (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) oxynitride ○Masatomo Yashima, Kazuhiko Maeda, Kentaro Teramura, Tsuyoshi Takata and Kazunari Domen(Interdescriplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Graduate School of Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo) |
PB-II-01 | Structures and Properties of chiral cyanide-bridged Cu-Fe/Co/Cr complexes ○Takashiro Akitsu and Yasuaki Einaga(Faculty of Science and Tech., Keio Univ.) |
PB-II-02 | The structures and properties of [Ir (dmphterpy)2](PF6)2 and [Ir (terpy)2](PF6)2 ○Naokazu Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Takashima, Keiichi Tsukahara, Shinichi Yamabe, Nobuko Kanehisa and Yasushi Kai(Dept. of Chemistry, Faculty of Science Nara Women's Univ., Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering Osaka Univ.) |
PB-II-03 | Crystallization and X-ray Crystallography of 2H-pyran-2-one-4,6-dicarboxylic acid(PDC) Alkali Metal Salt ○Yoshiko Yamada, Masami Bitoh, Michiko Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Katayama and Kiyotaka Shigehara(Grad. School of Tech. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Tech., Grad. School Bioapplication & Systems Engineering. Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.) |
PB-II-04 | Thermal Epimerization of α-Amino Nitrile Derivatives in the Solid State (2) The relationship between reactivity and hydrogen bond distances ○Akira Uchida, Osamu Ito, Rumiko Sakura, Keisuke Kuriyama, Tetsutaro Hattori and Masanori Yamaura(Faculty of Science, Toho Univ., Grad. School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku Univ., Faculty of Science and Engineering, Iwaki Meisei Univ.) |
PB-II-05 | Topological analysis of intramolecular S···S and S···O interactions of disulfide compounds ○Hideo Araki and Masanori Yasui(The Univ. of Electro-Communications) |
PB-II-06 | Guest selectivity of inclusion compound of 1,1,2,2-tetrakis(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethane(TEP) ○Naonori Akai, Hidehiro Uekusa, Natsuki Amanokura and Masami Kaneko(Dept. of Chemistry and Materials science, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., NIPPON SODA Co., Ltd.) |
PB-II-07 | Crystal Structure of meso-Cinchomeronimide Appended meso-meso Linked Zn(II) Diporphyrins ○Naoki Shibata, Taisuke Kamada, Naoki Aratani, Atsuhiro Osuka and Yoshiki Higuchi(Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo, RIKEN Harima Inst., Dept. of Chemistry, Grad. School of Science, Kyoto Univ.) |
PB-II-08 | Molecular Dinamics Simulations of Disodium Cytidine 5'-Monophosphate Nonahydrate ○Akiko Mineyama, Mayuko Fukawa, Shigetaka Yoneda and Yoko Sugawara(School of Science, Kitasato Univ.) |
PB-II-09 | Size distribution measurement of ethanol-water droplet mists generated by ultrasonic atomization ○Yohko F. Yano, Kazuyuki Kaneko, Atsushi Kumagai, Kazuo Matsuura and Akihiro Wakisaka(Gakushuin Univ., Ultrasound Brewery Co., Ltd., National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech., National Inst. for Material Science) |
PB-II-10 | Crystal Structure Analysis of Polyethylene Single Crystal Mat ○Yasuhiro Takahashi and Kazuaki Okamoto(Grad. School of Science, Osaka Univ.) |
PB-II-11 | “Crystalline solution”: Gigantic modulated cell as an intermediate between complete and null disorder ○NAUMOV Panče・JOVANOVSKI Gligor・GRUPČE Orhideja・KAITNER Branko・RAE A. David・NG Seik Weng(ICYS・Kirili Metodij Univ.・Univ. of Zagreb・Australian National Univ.・Univ. of Malaya) |
PC-II-01 | Crystal Structures of Shikimate 5-Dehydrogenase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 and Its Cofactor and Substrate Complexes. ○Bagautdin Bagautdinov・Yoshifumi Sato・Naoki Kunishima(RIKEN/SPring-8) |
PC-II-02 | Crystal structural analysis of human Atg4b, a processing and deconjugating protease for autophagy ○Taichi Kumanomidou, Tsunehiro Mizushima, Masaaki Komatsu, Atsuo Suzuki, Isei Tanida, Yu-shin Sou, Takashi Ueno, Eiki Kominami, Keiji Tanaka and Takashi Yamane(Dept. of BioTech., Grad. School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ., PRESTO, Japan Science and Tech. Agency, Laboratory of Frontier Science, Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. of Medical Science, Dept. of Biochemistry, Juntendo Univ. School of Medicine) |
PC-II-03 | The crystal structure of a new type of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase from cyanobacterium ○Tomoya Kitatani, Yuri Sogabe, Takayoshi Kinoshita, Masahiro Tamoi, Shigeru Shigeoka and Toshiji Tada(Grad. School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Osaka Prefecture Univ., Grad. School of Sciences, Osaka Prefecture Univ., Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki Univ.) |
PC-II-04 | Crystal structure of archaeal ATP-dependent DNA ligase from Pyrococcus furiosus ○Hirokazu Nishida, Shinichi Kiyonari, Yoshizumi Ishino and Kosuke Morikawa(Biomolecular Engineering Research Inst.) |
PC-II-05 | Expression, purification and crystallization of human Rad GTPase ◯Arry Yanuar, Shigeru Sakurai, Ken Kitano and Toshio Hakoshima(Grad. School of Biological Sciences, Nara Inst. of Science and Tech.) |
PC-II-06 | Crystal Structure of Cel44A, the one of the major components of Cellulosome ○Yu Kitago, Nobuhisa Watanabe, Shuichi Karita, Kazuo Sakka and Isao Tanaka(Dept. of Biological Science, Grad. School of Science, Hokkaido Univ.) |
PC-II-07 | Molecular Mechanism of Carbohydrate Recognition of Human Galectin-4 C-terminal domain ○Shun-ichiro Oda, Norio Kudo, Masanori Kobayashi, Hiroko Ideo, Akira Seko, Katsuko Ymashita, Soichi Wakatsuki and Ryuichi Kato(Structural Biology Research Center, Photon Factory, Inst. of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Dept. of Biochemistry, Sasaki Inst.) |
PC-II-08 | Crystallization of CO sensing transcriptional regulator CooA ○Hirofumi Komori, Sayaka Inagaki, Kensuke Satomoto, Aono Shigetoshi, Naoki Shibata and Yoshiki Higuchi(Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo and Okazaki Natl. Res. Inst.) |
PC-II-09 | X-ray crystal structural analysis of vault from rat liver ○Hideaki Tanaka, Kouji Kato, Eiki Yamashita, Chizuko Fujita, Tomoyuki Sumizawa and Tomitake Tsukihara(Inst for Protein Research, Osaka Univ.) |
PC-II-10 | X-ray structural analysis of prostagrandin F2α synthase from Leshmania major ○Keiji Tokuoka, Yukiko Kusakari, Yuichi Sumii, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Kubata B Kilunga, Zakayi Kabututu, Hiroyoshi Matsumura, Shigeru Sugiyama, Kouji Inaka, Yasushi Kai and Yoshihiro Urade(Dep. of Applied Chem., Grad. School of Engineering, Osaka Univ., Dep. of Mol. Behavioral Biol., Osaka Bioscience Inst., Maruwa Food Industries, Inc., United States Army Medical Research Unit-Kenya Dep. of Bioinformatics, Biomolecular Engineering Res. Inst.) |
PC-II-11 | X-ray crystal structure analysis of type II antifreeze proteins from fish ○Hidemasa Kondo, Yoshiyuki Nishimiya, Masanori Yasui, Natsuko Noro, Ryoko Sato, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Mamoru Suzuki, Ai Miura and Sakae Tsuda(Res. Inst. of Genome-based Biofactory, Nat. Inst. of Adv. Indust. Sci. and Tech., RIKEN Harima, Inst. for Protein Research, Osaka Univ.) |
PC-II-12 | Recognition mechanism of noncognate amino acids by ProX enzyme ○Kazutaka Murayama, Miyuki Kato-Murayama, Noriko Nakagawa, Seiki Kuramitsu, Mikako Shirouzu and Shigeyuki Yokoyama(Tohoku Univ. Biomedical Engineering Research Organization) |
PC-II-13 | Study for substrate recognition mechanism of glucuronyltransferase, GlcAT-S ○Tomoo Shiba, Shinako Kakuda, Masaji Ishiguro, Shogo Oka, Toshisuke Kawasaki, Soichi Wakatsuki and Ryuichi Kato(Structural Biology Research Center, IMSS, KEK, Dept. of Biochemistry, Grad. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto Univ., Suntory Inst. for Bioorganic Research, Research Center for Glycoscience, Ritsumeikan Unive.) |
PC-II-14 | Crystal Structure of L-fuculose-1-phosphate aldolase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 ○Jeyaraman Jeyakanthan・Akihiro Kikuchi・Yoshitugu Shiro(RIKEN/SPring-8) |
PC-II-15 | Crystallization of the Coenzyme A biosynthesis bifunctional flavoprotein |
PC-II-16 | Crystal structure of HpcC from Thermus thermophilus HB8 ○Hisashi Mizutani and Naoki Kunishima(RIKEN Harima Inst.) |
PC-II-17 | Atomic resolution crystals of Trichoderma reesei Xylanase II ○Toshihiko Akiba, Nobuhiko Watanabe and Kazuaki Harata(Biological Information Research Center, National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.) |
PC-II-18 | Neutron crystal structure analysis of insulin at different pH ○Takuya Ishikawa, Yuki Ohnishi, Ichiro Tanaka, Toshiyuki Chatake, Kazuo Kurihara and Nobuo Niimura(Grad. School of Science and Engineering. Univ. of Ibaraki, Kaken. co, School of Engineering. Univ. of Ibaraki, Univ.of Chiba Inst. of Science, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) |
PC-II-19 | Crystal structures of conserved hypothetical proteins, TT1045 and TT1515, from Thermus thermophilus HB8 ○N. Okazaki, N. Nakano, M. Kumei, S. Sato, M. Manzoku, S. Kuramitsu, M. Shirouzu, A. Shinkai and S. Yokoyama(RIKEN Harima Inst., Grad. Sch. of Sci., Osaka Univ., RIKEN GSC, Grad. Sch of Sci., Univ. of Tokyo) |
PC-II-20 | Crystal structure of putative peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 ○Katsumi Shimizu, Yayoi Fujimoto, Mitsuaki Sugahara and Naoki Kunishima(RIKEN Harima Inst.) |
PC-II-21 | Crystal structure of glucose-6-phosphate isomerase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 ○Hitoshi Yamamoto, Hiroshi Miwa and Naoki Kunishima(RIKEN Harima Inst.) |
PC-II-22 | Crystal structure of methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase from Bacillus subtilis ○Haruka Tamura, Hiroyoshi Matsumura, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Hiroki Ashida, Yohtaro Saito, Akiho Yokota and Yasushi Kai(Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Grad. School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.) |
PC-II-23 | Crystallization of Rice Dwarf Virus for high resolution structural analysis by X-ray crystallography Akifumi Higashiura(Inst. of Protein Research, Osaka Univ.) |
PC-II-24 | Structure-function relationship and evolution of nylon-oligomer hydrolase ○Taku Ohki, Naoki Shibata, Yoshiki Higuchi, Masahiro Takeo and Seiji Negoro(Grad. School of Eng., Univ. of Hyogo, Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo) |
PC-II-25 | Crystal Structure of Glutaredoxin of CxxC1 Type from Poplar ○Yutaka Takahashi, Hideaki Unno, Toshiharu Hase, Masami Kusunoki, Nicolas Rouhier and Jean-Pierre Jacquot(Inst. for Protein Research, Osaka Univ., Nancy Univ.) |
PC-II-26 | Crystallographic Analysis of Aspergillus Chitinases Hiroyuki Suzuki, Tetsuya Fukazawa, Satoshi Nakamura and ○Takashi Kumasaka(Grad. School of Bioscience and BioTech., Tokyo Inst. Tech.) |
PC-II-27 | The structural Study of Norovirus ORF1 Polyprotein ○Kentaro Nakamura, Yuichi Someya, Takashi Kumasaka, Go Ueno, Masaki Yamamoto, Takao Sato, Naokazu Takeda, Tatsuo Miyamura and Nobuo Tanaka(Dept. of Life Science, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Dept. of Virology II, National Inst. of Infectious Diseases, RIKEN Harima Inst./SPring-8) |
PC-II-28 | Improvement of resolution of cytochrome oxidase crystal using annealing method ○Michihiro Suga, Kyoko Ito-Sinzawa, Hiroshi Aoyama, Eiki Yamashita, Shinya Yoshikawa and Tomitake Tsukihara(Inst. for Protein Research, Osaka Univ., Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo, RIKEN Harima Inst.) |
PC-II-29 | Development of X-ray diffractometer for micro crystals ○Toru Nakatsu, Tetsuya Shimizu, Hiroaki Nakano, Nobuyuki Kobashi, Hiroyuki Shibata, Masaki Yamamoto, Takahisa Sato, Katsunari Sasaki and Hiroaki Kato(Grad. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto Univ., RIGAKU Co., Ltd, RIKEN Harima Inst./SPring-8) |
PC-II-30 | Rapid and Precise Manufacturing of Protein 3D-Models by Light Solidification of A Polymer ○Takao Matsuzaki and Isao Ishizaka(Molecular Design Adviser and Autofact Inc.) |
PC-II-31 | SPring-8 structural biology beamlines / Automatic operation of beamlines ○Go Ueno, Raita Hirose, Kazuya Hasegawa, Nobuo Okazaki, Takashi Kumasaka and Masaki Yamamoto(RIKEN SPring-8 Center, PharmAxess Inc., JASRI, Grad. School of Biosci. Biotech., Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
PC-II-32 | Current Status of BL41XU in SPring-8 ○Nobutaka Shimizu, Masahide Kawamoto, Kazuya Hasegawa, Hisanobu Sakai, Kunio Hirata, Shin Muraoka, Atsushi Nisawa and Masaki Yamamoto(SPring-8/JASRI, SPring-8/RIKEN) |
PC-II-33 | Novel Versatile Cryoprotectants for Large-scale Screening of Protein Crystals ○Michihiro Sugahara and Naoki Kunishima(RIKEN Harima Inst.) |
PC-II-34 | Beamline for Macromolecular Assembly Crystallography at SPring-8 ○Masato Yoshimura, Mamoru Suzuki, Eiki Yamashita, Masaki Yamamoto, Sinya Yoshikawa and Tomitake Tsukihara(Inst. for Protein Research, RIKEN, Univ. of Hyogo) |
PC-II-35 | Development of the fine focus beamline for structural biology at the Photon Factory ○Noriyuki Igarashi, Atsushi Koyama, Naohiro Matsugaki, Yusuke Yamada and Soichi Wakatsuki(Photon Factory, KEK) |
PC-II-36 | SVM-based method for prediction and classification of crystallization conditions ○Fumikazu Konishi, Kazutaka Murayama, Chie Takemoto-hori, Shigeyuki Yokoyama and Nobukazu Nameki(RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center) |
PC-II-37 | Stabilization mechanism of the tryptophan synthase α-subunit from Thermus thermophilus HB8: X-ray crystallographic analysis and calorimetry ○Yukuhiko Asada, Masahide Sawano, Kyoko Ogasahara, Junji Nakamura, Motonori Ota, Chizu Kuroishi, Mitsuaki Sugahara, Katsuhide Yutani and Naoki Kunishima(RIKEN Harima Inst.) |
PC-II-38 | Structural study of the new flavoprotein that was found from a sulfate-reducing bacteria ○Yasufumi Ueda, Naoki Shibata, Hirofumi Komori, Daisuke Takeuchi, Masaya Kitamura and Yoshiki Higuchi(Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo, Grad. School of Engineering, Osaka City Univ.) |
PC-II-39 | Purification and crystallization of release factor 3 from D. vulgaris Miyazaki F ○Kiyohito Kihira, Shuko Numata, Naoki Shibata, Hirofumi Komori, Masaya Kitamura and Yoshiki Higuchi(Grad. School of Life Science, Univ. of Hyogo, Grad. School of Engineering, Osaka City Univ.) |
PC-II-40 | Neutron crystallographic analysis of Z-DNA hexamer Toshiyuki Chatake, Ichiro Tanaka, Hisao Umino, Shigeki Arai and Nobuo Niimura (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Chiba Institute of Science, , Department of Technology, Ibaraki Univ., , Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute ) |