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Home > Emu Poster Prize for Mineralogical Crystallography

Emu Poster Prize for Mineralogical Crystallography

The EMU (European Mineralogical Union) poster prize is awarded to a young scientist for the best poster on mineralogical crystallography and consists of two volumes of "EMU Notes on Mineralogy" published in occasion of the EMU schools. The winner may choose among the titles:

  • "Modular aspects of minerals" - S. Merlino (Pisa, Italy)
  • "Environmental mineralogy" - D.J. Vaughan & R. Wogelius (Manchester, U.K.)
  • "Solid solution in silicate and oxide systems of geological importance" - C. Geiger (Kiel, Germany)
  • "Energy modeling in minerals" - C.M. Gramaccioli (Milan, Italy)
  • "Ultra-high pressure metamorphism" - D.A. Carswell (Sheffield, UK) & R. Compagnoni (Torino, Italy), a CD-ROM with additional colour images compiled by F. Rolfo (Torino, Italy) is included
  • "Spectroscopic methods in mineralogy" - A. Beran & E. Libowitzky (Vienna, Austria)
  • "Mineral behaviour at extreme conditions" - R. Miletich (Heidelberg, Germany)
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