
Chair of Local Executive Committee

Yuriko Yamagata
Department of Structural Biology, Grad. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Kumamoto University,
5-1 Oe-honmachi, Kumamoto 862-0973, Japan
Tel: +81-96-371-4638 Fax: +81-96-371-4639

Local Executive Cimmittee Members

Y. Yamagata, S. Ikemizu, Y. Kakuta, Y. Soejima, M. Chinami, S. Toma
Y. Tomisugi, K. Maenaka, M. Hidaka, F. Hirayama, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Watanabe

Chair of Program Committee

Shinji Ikemizu
Department of Structural Biology, Grad. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Kumamoto University,
5-1 Oe-honmachi, Kumamoto 862-0973, Japan
Tel: +81-96-371-4647 Fax: +81-96-371-4639

Program Committee Members

S. Ikemizu, H. Uekusa, Y. kai, M. Takada, Y. Yamagata, A. Yosiasa

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