The Evening Session
by Dr. Philip Coppens at the evening session of IUCr,
which was held in Osaka on Aug. 27th in 2008
Title: "What crystallography can tell us about molecules in the test tube and in life"
![]() Dr. Philip Coppens |
Coppens, Professor Philip (1930) (USA) |
PhD awarded by U. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1960) in Physical Chemistry |
Department of Chemistry, 732 Natural Sciences and Mathematics Complex, State University of New York at Buffalo |
Buffalo, New York 14260-3000, USA |
Co-editor, Acta Crystallographica Section A |
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竹市 未帆,IUCr2008 組織委員会 大阪大学大学院工学研究科,応用化学専攻井上豪研究室 〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘2−1 TEL:06-6879-7410, FAX:06-6879-7409 E-mail : takeichi(%) (%)を@に変更してご利用ください |